Money and finances are often cited as the number one cause of divorce, and for good reason. Financial troubles can put a huge strain on a marriage, leading to stress, worry, and arguments. At Divorce is Simple, we understand that your finances can be a major source of heartache. That’s why our goal is to provide an amicable and affordable alternative to traditional court proceedings when it comes to divorce through family law mediation. Read on to learn more about how financial issues can lead to divorce.
The Stress of Debt
Debt is one of the most common reasons couples fight. Whether it’s credit card debt from overspending or student loan debt from college expenses, money problems can take a toll on your relationship like nothing else. And if you don’t have any sort of financial plan in place it can be hard to make progress towards becoming debt-free which exacerbates the problem even further.
Financial Worries During Marriage
Financial worries don’t only arise during times of crisis; they can come up anytime during a marriage when two people have different outlooks on money or when one spouse isn’t being honest about their debt or spending habits. In order for a marriage to stay strong both parties must be completely honest with each other about their finances and discuss their goals openly so they can make sure they are both working towards the same objectives. Without this level of trust and transparency, it’s very difficult for a marriage to survive long-term financial struggles.
Divorce Is Simple Can Help
If your marriage is falling apart because of financial trouble or worries, then Divorce is Simple may be able to help you find an amicable solution outside of court proceedings without breaking the bank in the process. We understand that this time can be incredibly stressful for you and your family so we strive to provide compassionate support throughout the entire process so you always feel supported during these difficult times. To learn more about our services please visit our website at or call us today for more information!
When it comes down to it, financial difficulty is often cited as one of the main causes of divorce – but there are ways around it! At Divorce is Simple we provide an amicable alternative to expensive court proceedings while still allowing couples who are struggling financially due to debt or other issues find closure in an affordable way that won't break the bank (or their hearts). Our team provides compassionate support throughout the entire process so if you're looking for budget-friendly solutions set up a free consultation with us today! With our help you'll get through this tough time as quickly and painlessly as possible so you can start fresh with your happy life ahead!
Call us today at Divorce is Simple for a simple way to end your marriage using our Family Law Mediation Services here in Ontario, Canada.
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