What is Family Law Mediation
Mediators are trained to help resolve disputes with couples over issues faced by
relationship breakdown. Mediators listen to find out what is important to you and
your family. The mediator's goal is to narrow the dispute to the point where it
makes sense for both sides to agree on a solution. Mediators are neutral and will
not take sides, we do not give legal advice but can help you and your partner talk
about specific issues such as parenting plans, division of assets, child/spousal
support and decision making. We are there to find creative, practical solutions that
make financial and emotional sense that work for both of you.

What is the main goal of mediation?
The main goal of our mediators is to help navigate you to a joint solution. In mediation, we are here for both sides and want both of you to leave the room satisfied.
When is Mediation NOT recommended?
It may not work if: Someone's safety is at risk, for example where there has been domestic abuse or child abuse. If you have evidence of violence or abuse, you can take your case straight to court without having to consider mediation and may qualify for legal aid to be legally represented.
What is the reason why mediation is important in resolving conflicts?
Mediators act as a middle man and a voice of reason. They help you come to a mutually satisfactory agreement, and to avoid getting derailed or stuck in an argument.
What happens if family mediation fails?
If the mediation process fails, and you do not reach an agreement or settlement, you can still bring the issue to court. Parties do not relinquish their right to litigation if they wish to resolve the dispute in mediation first.
What should you avoid in mediation?
Avoid saying alienating things, and make sure tp say difficult things in the least alienating way possible. Set ground rules to avoid attacking openings. Remember that avoiding saying unwelcomed things, by having the mediator say them, merely transfers the other party's resentment from counsel to the mediator.
Can the things we discuss in mediation be used in court?
I practice a closed mediation. Closed mediation is private and confidential. I can only disclose if I think you are a danger to yourself or others or is summonsed by a Judge.
What is ILA and why do we need it?
ILA (independent legal advice) is advice provided by an independent lawyer to ensure that the person signing the agreement fully understands its contents including all possible consequences, as well as ensuring they are aware of any legal or financial responsibilities they are committing to.
Call us today at Divorce is Simple for a simple way to end your marriage using our Family Law Mediation Services here in Ontario, Canada.
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Divorce Mediation Ontario
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Uncontested Divorce Ontario
Divorce Mediation Ontario
Family Law Mediation
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Divorce Mediation Ontario
Family Law Mediation
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Divorce Mediation Ontario
Family Law Mediation
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Divorce Mediation Ontario
Family Law Mediation
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Divorce Mediation Ontario
Family Law Mediation
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